ServeFed provides Occupational Health Services nationwide to Federal Employees and Corporate Employees of the Fortune 500 companies.
We help meet and maintain TJC-HCSS certifications.
ServeFed maintains compliance with commercial contract policies, Standard Operating Procedures, and other requirements for licensure, competencies, certifications, and continuing education.
Our OH care workers provide the following types of care:
Work-related and non-work related illnesses and injuries.
Emergency response, including arranging for ambulance transport.
Schedule comprehensive physicals, travel medication, physicals examinations, immunizations, fitness for duty exams/medical employability evaluations, psychological and psychiatric screenings, nursing assessments.
Conduct medical surveillance programs.
Perform preventive and routine health screenings.
Perform health risk appraisals.
Prepare and administer health education programs.
Provide physician oversight.
Other OH-related services provided:
Behavioral Medicine
Traumatic Brain Injury
Global Medicine
Healthcare/Clinical Services
Preventive Medicine & Public Health
Combat Casualty Care
Industrial Hygiene
Hazard Assessment
Exposure Risk Assessment
Exposure Management